Thursday, 29 October 2015

A Ironic Find


The irony is I found this lovely Egg club on a club dig but I hate eggs.  I have detested them even from a early age, I won't eat them or even sit by somebody who is eating them.

Even though it is a reminder it does sit on my windowledge as it is a lovely find and a reminder of a great day out digging with a great bunch of folks.  It does have a lovely design on it and I have seen a set of them on a certain website, worthless but lovely none the less.

Thank you for visiting.


  1. Yes that was on a four quarters dig fairly recently if i remember correctly, dmdc have another rally there on sunday.

    1. Spot on, I think somebody else found one too. I did not realise we was in the same area again this Sunday.

      Good stuff.


