Wednesday, 28 October 2015

My Oldest Find


I was totally chuffed to have found my oldest find last month and could not believe that I was actually holding something in my hand from the Bronze Age.  Even though the era spans over 1700 years (2500BC-800BC), I was amazed by the age of it.

I have been told that the below item is the tip of a Bronze Age Spear, unsure of the actual date but least i know it is from the above date range.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Exceptional find Liam! To hold something that ancient must be a fascinating experience! At the moment i'm still waiting for my first bronze age artefact to appear!

    1. To be honest at first I thought it was the top of a gate or fence post, I did have a little feeling it was old, then a few others agreed and finally I.D as Bronze Age. It is a wonder to find and hold something that old, so true.


